Saturday, December 22, 2012

My new Lumia red hot 920

The Lumia 920 is a fantastic device indeed, it feels great and works like it is supposed to. Windows 8 has many new features, and is slightly different from WP 7.8 on my old Lumia 800. I liked the 800 at lot, but I could not resist the 920.

New features include possibility to change font size, from small to extremely large. It has also a zoom function which can be activated and enables you to double tap with two fingers, much like the IPad, great if you forget your glasses. Nokia Maps seems to be using offline maps now, and Drive Beta is offers the same offline maps as WP 7.8. Position fixes are fast, but I would like an App showing exactly which satellites it is tracking, GPS, Glonass? The Apps are slightly different form the WP 7.8 version, for example the data and phone counter application is (not yet) available. I experienced some problems with Bluetooth, but fortunately all my data was stored on Windows Live. Actually there is little need for Bluetooth, apart from Bt earphones and keyboards. I did not use it on my Lumia 800 at all.

The new NFC technology provides new features like the possibility to use your phone for small payments. However, at least my bank does not offer this service, and it will take time before this will be a reality. I did not make much tests with the camera, the Arctic winter here does give little opportunities, because it is dark and cold outside. One more feature to mention: screen shots, it is possible to take a picture of the screen, which is handy to send for example a map to somebody. Facebook is deeply integrated into the WP structure, which is nice if you like it.

I did experience some battery drain problems, which seemed to be related to Skype, reinstalling it corrected this problem. It is wise though to uncheck unnecessary background processes, for example Nokia Drive is background enabled by default.

WP is easy to use, and to see how easy I did a factory reset on the old Lumia 800 and gave it to my son, who needed only five minutes to get it going, transfer the contacts from his old phone and install some Apps. After five days of intensive use, I would say it is the greatest phone I ever had and recommend it to anyone.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Lumia 920, the fastest phone

The Nokia Lumia 920 has a fast edge over the iPhone 5, at least in Europe. This is because the European LTE (Long Time Evolution) technology uses a different frequency than its US counterpart. As the Lumia 920 is fully compatible with the European system it is able to use the maximum speed offered by the network. Also the Lumia 900 has 4G compatibility. Of course the user has to make sure he has a provider contract with sufficient network resources. At least in Finland one has to choose between various network speed options.

For this reason I chose for the Lumia 920, I ordered it last week, and am waiting for delivery. This might take some time due to the unprecedented high demand for the device. 

Lumia 920, the fastest phone

The Nokia Lumia 920 has a fast edge over the iPhone 5, at least in Europe. This is because the European LTE (Long Time Evolution) technology uses a different frequency than its US counterpart. As the Lumia 920 is fully compatible with the European system it is able to use the maximum speed offered by the network. Also the Lumia 900 has 4G compatibility. Of course the user has to make sure he has a provider contract with sufficient network resources. At least in Finland one has to choose between various network speed options.

For this reason I chose for the Lumia 920, I ordered it last week, and am waiting for delivery. This might take some time due to the unprecedented high demand for the device.