Saturday, February 16, 2013

Nokia Lumia WP 8 series phones have integrated GPS and GLONASS positioning, but can we use it?

The Lumia 820, 822 and 920 use the GLONASS enabled Qualcomm GPS chip. However, it seems that the navigation software is not using this option. Recently Samsung made an application available to enable GLONASS on their Windows Phones (Mango version), the app is called High Fidelity Position, and can be used by other navigation applications to improve accuracy.

So, it seems that we have to wait for Nokia or somebody else to produce GLONASS enabled navigation software.  Let’s hope it comes soon, because at the moment we can not use the full potential of our phones.

AT the moment there is a host of Windows Phone 8 navigation and mapping software, and improved positioning would be much appreciated in urban environments with high buildings reducing satellite visibility.

An interesting WP App is the ESRI ArcGIS mapping software, enabling you to collect data, share with groups, or view online maps and imagery on your phone.

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