Monday, July 1, 2013

WP 8 and W 8

IT seems to me now that the Windows Phone 8 is working very well, applications are readily available and the Store concept works fine. Many free quality Apps are available.  Power consumption is still a problem, the charging pad would actually be a good idea.  Actually these smartphones can be rather dangerous, if you would need an ambulance in a remote area it could just be out of power.  A solar power charger would be handy when back packing. I also use frequently the power save option, with the advanced setting "untill next charge". This will help a lot.

The Windows 8 operating system for my Laptop (Aspire V5) has still some flaws. For example the issue reported by many, the lack of a START button in the old fashioned basic Windows screen. It is rather clumsy to use the right swipe or the keyboard button. Also many applications still lack the functionality of Windows 8, and will run only in the basic window, for example Google Earth, Chrome and many others. Microsoft Office 2013 however, works fine, however, the amount of W8 Apps in the Store is still lagging.  I disabled the irritating touch keyboard, for instructions go to