Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Windows 10, Onedrive and odrive

As I use about ten different Widows platforms, PC’s, laptop, tablets and phones it is a must to have my data files in a reliable cloud server. Onedrive has proven to be reliable and stable, until I updated one of my laptops to windows 10. After the update I notices that all data had to be stored both locally on the computer and offline on the cloud server. This creates an unusual amount of net traffic, which actually bogs up any network connection. Many paces have still rather limited bandwidth, 10/1, or even less. And upload is usually very slow, much slower than download. Now my Windows 8 machines just use offline storage, whit occasional local backups, and this worked nicely.

After starting to work with Onedrive for Business, things became worse and I had to shut down the cloud service on my Windows 10 laptop. This has made my life easier, but it is not very sophisticated to use Onedrive files through a Web Application.

There are several work around, but not very elegant. One third party cloud client is orive, which actually integrates many cloud services, like Onedrive, Dropbox, Google and a lot of others. Just download the application from odrive for your platform (Mac or Windows) and start enjoying the lost functionality of Smart Files.  Odrive creates a placeholder on your system tray, and work just as a directory. But of course remember, these files are on the Onedrive cloud only, you can access them only when having network access.

Presently odrive has no way for integrating Onedrive for Business, so we are still waiting for that.