Friday, October 4, 2019

WebODM demo

WebODM really impressive.

We trid WebODM, running the server on a cloud Ubuntu veritual machine. The test mterial consisted of 119 images, taken from a height of 75 maters. The WebODM interface worked flawless, 3D view is really impressive, with many options, like fly trough, measurement of height, length, area and volume. You can drape the textured model on top of the 3D model, which gives even more realistic views. Here are some screenshots of the test material ater processing. The processing took about two hours. Of course faster virtual machines can be build using more RAM and more processors. Also the command line OpenDroneMAp non-GUI software probably runs faster with large amounts of data.

Part of the orthomosaic, lots of detail, the orthomosaic can be used for example to plan forest management, landscaping etc.

DEM of the area, showing details like ditches, trees and buildings.

3D measurement of height, quite reliable.

3D rotation, helicopter flight, smooth and gives realistic views with texture drape.

Clip showing 2D and 3D, rotation and measurement tool.

Video clip showing rotation of textured model.