Friday, September 21, 2012

More Windows phones

HTC HTC has unveiled two new WP 8 phones, and this is a good sign for Microsoft and also for Nokia, as the Windows Phone group is growing. More phones, more users, more applications, it will be good for the market. The HTC devices look very much like the Nokia Lumia series, and some may think this is bad for Nokia. However, if you look at the specifications one notices that the HTC has a lot less to offer in comparison to the new Lumia WP 8 devices.  

The HTC phones have no 4G (LTE), a smaller screen, the camera has on optical image stabilizer (OIS), only one flash LED and less resolution.  Also the memory of the HTC is also 50 % less than its Nokia counterpart. And also only the Nokia has downloadable maps for car navigation. And this is till the greatest advantage of Nokia, be it the Symbian or Lumia series devices.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Lummia 920 and iPhone 5, now we know

So now we know, iPhone 5 and Lunia 920, different design, different operating system, but otherwise pretty much the same. Both have 4G, although it is not certain in which countries it will work. Basically it depends upon the operators, how fast they can build their 4G networks. Actually 4G is very limited in most countries, and there are a lot of different systems all being marketed under the same 4G name. And at the moment many areas are lacking even 3G connections, and for normal phone calls GSM is actually sufficient. And as 3G and 4G even more needs a denser network due to the shorter range I think GSM and 3G will be here for quite some time.

As many have notices the iPhone 5 is not very revolutionary, a bit thinner, wider and lighter and a better camera, but no OIS, (optical image stabilizer), a feature the Nokia Lumia 920 has. The iOS probably has the same problem as Symbian, it is getting older and it will be difficult to create something really new. WP 8 is new and will evolve and get better all the time.

At the moment I am using two phones, a Nokia E7, with a query flip keyboard and a Lumia 800. I just updated the E7 with the new Belle refresh version, and I still have the opinion that it is great, the email widget shows me when and what new emails I received. No widgets in iOS or WP! On the other hand the Lumia is very easy to operate, has a great audio quality and has many Apps you do not get for the Belle version.

What I would like is a Lumia WP8 with a real keyboard, like the E7, this would be a productive piece of equipment. I have an iPad so I do know what the iOS is like, and it is ok, but not the system I would prefer to work on, however, at the moment it is the only viable tablet option. But I will not buy an iPhone, why? As I have an iPad, I really do not need to use a small screen for mailing or web surfing, I can just check if I have any important messages and answer them on the iPad. No need to buy an epensive phone for that. These expensive phones are often quite easy to break, a bit of water and it’s a gonner.

So I will wait until I can see and feel the 920 and make up my mind if ti is worth to change my 800 for a 920.