Sunday, January 29, 2012

Some clever IPad apps

Yes, there are some clever applications using the closed IOS architecture. Mobile banking applications make clever use of the IPad system. Banking applications on Windows platforms have to use elaborate and complicated verification procedures to keep your money safe. In Finland banks usually use key codes which are used only once (in addition to user names and passwords). For the IPad several banks offer mobile banking apps, like ABN-AMRO in the Netherlands and Sampo bank in Scandinavia.  Also N ordnet offers an IPad app for its online trading system. These applications use the fenced playground idea, every app has its own playground, and connects only with the provider. Therefore a less rigorous security is needed, this gives the customer the possibility to make money transfers with just a few fingertip movements. Safety can be added to set a limit by using the normal security procedures. For small money transfers and just to check your bank account tis is a safe and easy way to go on with your mobile life.

Other financial apps which I started to use are QFolio HD, giving real time Nasdaq quotes for the Nordig and US markets. 

1 comment:

  1. These Apps are provided by your bsnk, and you defenitely need an iPad or other device to run thevAppp.
