Saturday, April 27, 2013

Anssi Vanjoki was right after all!

Anssi Vanjoki former head of Nokia mobile devices, predicted that smartphones would replace system cameras, and many so called analysts thought it to be a good joke. But today I think he was quite right, I have a number of digital pocket cameras and a Canon EOS system camera. And actually nobody in my family uses the pocket cameras anymore. Though they might have more Mega pixels, they are still lying around unused. The pictures I make with my Lumia 920 are superb, video is crystal clear and even in low light results are great. And due to the build in GPS are images are georeferenced, so you always know where they were taken. This is of great help for professional use, lecturing etc. To carry around a big camera in a city is cumbersome and actually is an invitation for thieves. The only use for a big camera is for quality nature photography. For most other use the smartphone is always ready and with you, you can upload the images directly to Facebook or any other social platform. The Lumia can upload automatically to Skydrive, a feature which is sometimes useful for backup use.

Vanjoki’s prediction became reality, and proves that analysts are too often wrong.