Saturday, June 15, 2013

Windows 8 and SkyDrive

I have started to build my own Windows system, with my Lumia 920 and an Acer Windows 8 touchscreen laptop.  It actually works very nice, using your Microsoft Live account on both devices and the SkyDrive cloud storage. The only part I am still missing is a Windows 8 tablet. My iPad is rather useless in this configuration

There are of course still a lot of issues with Windows 8, for example the Peoples App does not seem to be able to import Avatars from your Windows Phone, but from Facebook it is no problem. It would also be great to be able to synchronize an Exchange calendar on your office computer. I guess these features will not be too far away, as many people have mentioned these shortcomings.

The use of cloud storage feels still a bit difficult to me, and I would not use it for sensitive data, as the user has no knowledge on the use and security of ones files. I liked Dropbox for its simplicity, but am now moving towards sole use of SkyDrive for reasons of compatibility. 

Microsoft OneNote file synchronized on phone and laptop