Sunday, August 11, 2013

More hours from your Nokia Lumia

Battery drain is a problem on all smartphones, there is a lot of advice to improve this, but most “tricks” have only marginal effect. One major energy consumer is the cellular data 83G) network. Using 3G data transfer the Lumia warms up, and as heat is energy, this is a major loss. Using WIFI (WLAN) the energy loss is much less, and the phone hardly warms at all. So by installing for example the Cellular Data Switch App, available for free from Marketplace it is easy to switch 3G data off and use only WLAN. There is a separate App for WLAN. Actually it would be nice to have one App to do both.

By switching cellular data off, and use it only when necessary it is possible to get a battery life on 48 hours, using 3G data I get only 24 hours.