Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Amber and the end of an era

t was actually quite surprising to read that Microsoft bought the Nokia phones business, but these things happen and we can only speculate about the reasons. Perhaps this was the plan from the beginning, rebuild Nokia phones, and transfer it to Microsoft when the product is ready. Now it is ready, a complete line of Lumia devices, from low end to the high end 1020 super camera phone. Market share is increasing and profit is around the corner. This kind of radical moves have been seen before as Nokia dumped consumer electronics to concentrate only on mobile phones in the 1990j’s.

Now Windows Phone and Lumia is still great, that does not change, and only the future can tell whether Microsoft is able to use this new asset wisely , please consumers and make profit.

Now what about the Amber update, actually it did something great, it extended battery life nearly three times, at the moment I get nearly three full days from one charge, from the previous less than one day. It also put in some new features, Camera Pro, a clock you can use without opening your phone and other features. But I think most of the Amber update is not directly visible, but did a great deal to improve the phone.

The update itself takes a long time, several hours, not minutes, and just leave your phone untouched, I had mine plugged to the charger to be on the safe side and went for lunch. It looked dead for a long time, showing just the empty battery sign, but in the end it started an entirely new life. I am very pleased with Amber.


Photo with Lumia 920, end of summer 2013