Friday, August 25, 2017


MeteoEarth – 3D global weather view

MeteoEarth 3D is a great app for viewing and tracking weather systems around the globe. It has versions for use in use in browsers, but the iPad app I use most frequently. The app is cool and self-explaining. By paying 10 € for the premium version (12 months) you get wind data from sea level up to 9000 shows wind direction and velocity, precipitation, temperature and air pressure. in addition, major storm systems like hurricanes and typhoons are shown together with their track. It is great for educational purposes, it makes it easy to explain the jet stream, cyclones and anti-cyclones, global climate and weather systems etc.

Of course, some features could be added to improve insight, for example the equator, which would make the seasonal variation of the ITCZ more easy to follow. Otherwise a great app, even the free version.

See   for more information.