Friday, October 4, 2019

WebODM demo

WebODM really impressive.

We trid WebODM, running the server on a cloud Ubuntu veritual machine. The test mterial consisted of 119 images, taken from a height of 75 maters. The WebODM interface worked flawless, 3D view is really impressive, with many options, like fly trough, measurement of height, length, area and volume. You can drape the textured model on top of the 3D model, which gives even more realistic views. Here are some screenshots of the test material ater processing. The processing took about two hours. Of course faster virtual machines can be build using more RAM and more processors. Also the command line OpenDroneMAp non-GUI software probably runs faster with large amounts of data.

Part of the orthomosaic, lots of detail, the orthomosaic can be used for example to plan forest management, landscaping etc.

DEM of the area, showing details like ditches, trees and buildings.

3D measurement of height, quite reliable.

3D rotation, helicopter flight, smooth and gives realistic views with texture drape.

Clip showing 2D and 3D, rotation and measurement tool.

Video clip showing rotation of textured model.

Friday, January 25, 2019

OpenDroneMap, Free Drone Mapping Software

If you have a drone, like a DJI Phantom, you possibly would like to make sometimes photo mosaics, or more precise orthoimages. Commercial software, however, is expensive and many users won’t spend thousands on software they will use only several times a year. There are various free mission planning software packages, like Pix4D, DJI Ground Station (DJI GS) which run on IOS, or Android tablets. Flyig a grid mission, collecting images and getting the data into your computer, you will need software to stich the images together. Here comes OpenDroneMap, a free, open source software package, running on Windows, Mac and Linux. For details go to . I have run the software on a laptop computer, using the docker environment. There are now several options to use ODM, Nativel (Linux Ubuntu 16.04), through docker (Windows, Mac and Linux) or by using the WebODM API.

Easiest is possibly the WebODM, which gives you a browser GUI to overcome the problem of (not complicated actually) line commands. I have tested the software systematically, and in a desktop environment several hundreds of images can be converted into an orthophoto, digital elevation model (DEM) and point cloud. For larger datasets, I would use a cloud computing service, with for example 120 M RAM and 20 cores, I used this to process 2800 images successfully. For a desktop application I would suggest 32 M RAM as minimum, although 16 could work.

Nokia 8, battery

Nokia 8 – battery life, much better than other phones

After about one year with my Nokia 8, I can now tell that the battery life exceeded all my expectancies. In general, with normal use of network, WIFI and telephone communications, the recharge cycle has been better than two days, mostly three days, occasionally longer. The processor is fast, updating applications or Android system doe take very little time. Starting or restarting is also very fast.  The fingerprint screen unlocking is flawless and saves you a lot of time when opening the screen. The cameras (three) with a Zeiss lens are bright and produce clear images, even in less than optimal light conditions. In my opinion a great smart phone.