Friday, February 12, 2021

Agisoft versus WebODM


I lately compared Agisoft, a commercial desktop image processing software product with OpenDroneMap.

As said OpenDroneMap (OSDM) is free open-source software and Agisoft is commercial proprietary software.  I tested the software on difficult (forest) images, taken in northern Finland, in the late afternoon, during July 2020. The results were striking, Agisoft did not have any problems with the data, creating a decent orthomosaic and 3D model. I did not do much tweaking, and basically used the default settings.

WebODM and ODM however did have problems, I used the latest versions of the software, but the end result did show consistently a stripe of unmatched images in the SE part of the mosaic. It seemed that most parameters did not have any influence upon the result, only two had major effect, the min_max_features, which I set to 32000 and the image resolution, which I kept to the original size (-1).  The images were taken in two runs, about ten minutes apart to change batteries.

Based on these experiences I could say that it makes sense to take images using good conditions, fair wind, short exposure time and a lot of overlap. ODM is doing well under optimal conditions, but for less-than-optimal conditions Agisoft is the winner.

Agisoft mosaic

WebODM mosaic