Monday, January 2, 2012

IPad, my final verdict

I have been working, playing and living with my IPad2  for a few weeks now and after the initial enthusiasm, I have now reached the stage were I would like to give my opinion sabot this peace of equipment. 

Now to begin one must admire the design, thin A4 size, with a bright high resolution screen, it is a real beauty. I have the 64 GB, 3G version and memory has been no problem. Battery life, is supposed to be ten hours on one full charge cycle, this however is depending upon use, and I had to charge my IPad every second day, sometimes every night. But I have used it on a six hours drive, surfing and watching video constantly with no problem.

The problems start while using the Safari browser,no Flash support, this is not a disaster, but  often annoying. The absence of my favourite browser Firefox hurts, as are other details common to the Windows user.

In my view the most serious problem is the IOS, the operating system has no file structure,  all programs store data in their own "body". This with the absence of background processes makes the IPad fast, but this goes at a price. Without a file system it is extremely difficult to imort or maintain data or files. It also replicates the same files in the various programs operating on them. For example, if one opens a PDF file in the PDF- reader it will be stored there. Then if opened into the IBOOK reader, it will also be storedin that program. This creates a lot of redundancy. 

Forget your USB stick, the IPad has no whole for it. As I noted before there are many programs to exchange files to and from the IPad, and some work with certain programs, but not with others, which is rather confusing.

The cameras work fine and are of reasonable quality,but  no flash, and the size of the tablet makes it not very suitable to use as a camera, but for use with Skype it is ok.

I think taken everything into consideration, the IPad is in reality a mobile device for surfing, reading documents and email. I have been able to reduce printing documents and in this way have saved money and resources.  However, it is not the final solution from my point of view, and I thin there is room for a Windows tablet.

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